Outings & Tours
See the Outing & Tours page or the latest Bulletin for more details on upcoming outings and tours.
After Meeting Lunch
After each monthly meeting those interested have lunch at a nearby restaurant or, in the months when the weather is reasonable, enjoy a sausage sizzle cooked on our own BBQ.
Book Club
Please bring a book you have read or are reading and discuss this and share your comments on the book.
The next meeting will be held at 3 Howqua Court, Vermont South on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 1:30 pm.
Coffee Club
We meet every Friday for an informal afternoon tea and a chat at the Moon & Spoon cafe, which is located on Level 2 at Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre. Tables are booked from 3:00 pm.
Ten-pin Bowling is back!
Friday 13 September at 2:30pm.
Level 3 at Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre.
Followed by coffee/tea for those interested
Bistro Nights
These dinners are held at a variety of local restaurants every second month (on the alternate month to the Men’s and Ladies’ Lunches). Venues are selected so that, over the year, we cater for a wide range of tastes and food styles.
Men’s and Ladies’ Lunches
These are held at a variety of local restaurants/cafes every second month (on the alternate month to the Bistro Nights). Usually men will lunch at one restaurant/café and ladies at another (or a separate table in the same restaurant/café). Venues are selected so that, over the year, we cater for a wide range of tastes and food styles.
Discussion Group
Join the discussion on current events and other topics, held on the third Tuesday of the month at the Vermont South Club, 30A Livingston Rd, Vermont South. The discussion usually lasts about an hour, followed by afternoon tea. All members are most welcome to come along and take part.
Walking Group (in recess until the warmer weather)
Our walks range between easy and those requiring a little more energy. Those attending engage in many and varied conversations along the way, whilst enjoying the benefit of not too strenuous exercise! New faces are always welcome to join our friendly group.
Golf (currently in recess)
We play every Friday at Glen Waverley Public Golf Course (near Jells Park), weather permitting, with a tee-off time of 9:30 am.
Anybody is welcome to join us as the standard of golf is not high (pathetic really, but we enjoy it).